Thursday, September 11, 2014

Python Tutorial 3 – More on variables

    Hey, this tutorial will be more explanation on variables. As we saw on the last tutorial, variable is anything that stores a piece of string or number. The computer doesn’t care what you name your variables. You can name them anything but would be easier if they are something you can relate to the object. Let’s see how we can use variables. 
     As you can see above, I created three variables and stored 7 on ‘Ronaldo’ , 10 on ‘Messi’ and 20 on VanPersie. And when I add Messi with VanPersie, it calculated to 30. See that’s how you use variables with numbers. Here’s another way to use variables.
             Now that was how variables are used to store a string of text. In the first line I created a variable and named it languages.  I stored three languages in it. And later, when I ordered to print languages it printed the strings of text stored in ‘languages’. Pretty easy.

          As I said earlier the computer doesn’t care what you name your variables, but you should. Giving variables names that reflect what type of data they contain makes it easier to understand what a program does. Instead of ‘languages’, we could have named that variable ‘AppleSauce’ or ‘MenelikTheSecond’ or anything weird. The computer will run the program the same way it did with ‘languages’.

            Variable names are case-sensitive. Case-sensitivity means the same variable in a different case is considered to be an entirely separate variable name. So languages is different from Languages , lANguaGes, LaNguAges or languageS.
          That was all for this tutorial. It is a building block of any programming. We’ll learn about selection on the next tutorial. I think this will get more fun when we start building our own games. See ya!

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